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The Most Expensive slot gacor Red Bull


Oh, sure. You’ve pulled a long poker session. You’ve done the 13-hour binge in the cash games. Your ass is leather. Your back is a mess of knots and monkey fists. Your mind is wandering from how much the guy next to you stinks to…if that dealer would just undo just one more button on her shirt. Damn, it’s on me? I raise.

Or maybe, just maybe, you are the potentate of concentrate. Maybe you’ve sat and played the perfect session–not too long–but every move, ever riffle of chips, every glance from the corner or your eye is so calculated, the world’s biggest abacus would never be able to figure out how you reached…the…perfect…conclusion.

Yeah, we’re all perfect. We all have pleather asses and perfect concentration for as long as we want.

And where is the damned waiter?

This is a true story.

John was not his real name, but certain matters of legality and discretion preclude revealing his real identity.

There would be a moment that John would be sure he was fine, that every decision would be perfect. He had a monster stack of chips and found pocket queens in the small blind. A well-known pro sat in the cutoff and came in for a standard raise, at the time to 24,000. John figured bumping it to 90,000 would do the trick. It did not. The pro came over the top all-in.

Queens, despite their royalty, look decidedly and appropriately emasculated when you send them into battle for every one of your slot gacor tournament chips. And in this case, the final table was just a few eliminations away.

It was a decision so tournament-threatening that John had forgotten about another decision he’d made before the final table looked so close.


Fatigue is hard to battle at the poker table. You can buy the dollar-a-minute massage. That might help. Or it might put you to sleep. A beer could do the same thing and chances are your concentration will wane. Coffee could do the trick, but it wrecks your stomach and sends you to the john every twenty minutes.

Our John was in the middle of a physical slide. His concentration and stamina were waning. The tournament’s money seemed so far away and the chips seemed so hard to come by. What’s more, the tableside waiters seemed to have gone on a permanent smoke break.

John, a young man, had picked up a covey of raibirds in the last day. He didn’t know them. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to know them. But there they were, watching his every move, studying his play, and then waiting to analyze it during the breaks.

The breaks. God, what John would’ve done for a break. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the railbirds, but he knew he would kill for a shot of some mainline caffeine. Finally, when the break still seemed an eon away, John broke down and asked one of his new railbirds if he would mind running to the bar for him.

“Could you get me a Red Bull?” he asked.

Some railbirds are more like gnats. They are always there, you can’t shoo them away, and all they really want is one sip of your sweat. This railbird was a gnat.

“Red Bull? Sure. I’ll go get it…for a tenth of a percent of you.”

Jesus. Fucking gnats.

Fatigue can play M.C. Escher tricks on your mind. Suddenly, the gnats can seem like ants. And ants are workers, right? And, damn, if John were to cash, a tenth of one percent didn’t seem like that bad a deal. A tenth of a percent of ten grand would only be ten bucks, about the price of the Red Bull with tip anyway.

And so John sent his little worker ant to the bar for a Red Bull. Thirty minutes later, the fatigue had disappeared and John was back into the game.


Two days of decisions and concentration followed and brought John to the question of whether to put his entire tournament on the line with his pair of queens.

He stood from his chair and put his back to the table for one whole second. Then he turned around and announced, “I call.”

The well-known pro’s face fell. He turned over pocket tens, knowing he was well behind. He would stay that way. The queens held up.

Less than 24 hours later, John was at the final table. Less than five hours later, he stood up from his seat for the final time. He was the last person to stand up, because he had won the whole damned thing…for a million bucks.

And somewhere on the rail, the gnat was working his mental calculator. One tenth of one percent of a million bucks was…$1,000.

John not only had the distinction of being the champion. He was also the man that had downed the most expensive Red Bull of all time.

Note: I’m in the middle of an experiment that has taken me out of my normal poker playing routine. In the interim, I’m pretending to be The Poker Nerd and Drizz. More than anything, though, this means I’m learning new stuff about life and poker and how they fit together. In short, I’m trying to get my head on straight. So, the point is, for the next little while you might see a few of these stories that have nothing to do with how I play AK under the gun. Which is probably a good thing.

sbo Fo….


Hello again dear readers. I’ve been deep in the tank, sifting through the mud, combing the gravel for nuggets of wisdom. Its easier to see when the light is dim.


My computer is fairly new but nearly useless. I brought it straight home and crammed it full, like Dagwood at a deli. I can play sbo poker on 5 sites in 5 countries where the laws are softer than an Otis handshake. I have surround sound speakers and that cool game where you hijack cars. Computer geek indeed!

The computer is above the garage. So is the rest of the computer room. I have a TV with rabbit ears, so I can watch COPS on 3 channels. I have a ping-pong table, a Joe Morgan bobble-head and the decapitated head of Bobby Cox. His body shattered at a game last year. He was soft.

The room is just down the hall from the bedroom where my wife is snoring. Its a cute snore. My kids are in their rooms and the dog is licking his ass on the landing between the first and second floors. I can barely hear the slurping though, because COPS is too loud.

There’s always plenty of action here and the best of it is rarely poker. Right now, while I type this, I’m playing a multi-table tournament on UB. The fucking thing’s been going on for at least an hour and I’m doing OK. I’m a little bored with the play. That’s not helping. I’m already thinking about ditching this post for a game of car-hijacking. You can pick from about a dozen types of guns and the cars blow up if you crash too much.

This is the lesson I learned in the deep water swim. The lesson of…hey the weather-dope says rain again tomorrow…where was I again?

I’ve learned to set a timer on my poker play. I take a break every hour. It may not be true of every player, but I can plot a steady decline in my online play as soon as my ass goes numb. I’ve learned to turn off the TV and tune out the snoring and slurping distractions. This is common sense stuff and you damn well know you still screw it up.

We talk about the newbie fish who play their cards by “feel”..but you know the “feel” is real. When we have real focus we can read ever card, its the shooter’s zone and the runners high. When we have distractions, and we’re just doing math, the game is less fun and baby the thrill is gone. So are some of the profits.

I’m done with the grand month of self-pity and the FOCUS is back. Screw you reader….I’m posting again!

A Good Night slothoki


It started out poorly. I played terribly in a $20+2 ten person SNG. I busted out in 9th place. And it was an ugly bust out. I played poorly. Next was a $10+1 ten person SNG and it was going poorly. Somehow I caught some cards and managed third place, $20. I also doubled up at the .10-.25 NLHE table, $12 profit.

But the big one was the $30+3 six person SNG. Finished first, running roughshod over the other 5. (One guy accused me and 2nd place of colluding.) I took home $126 there. That’s $66 spent, and $158 won for a profit of $92 in just an hour.

Feeling so good, thought I’d stay up and post some interesting hands from recent play:

No Limit Hold’em, 9 players, $.10-$.25 blinds

I’m UTG when I get As-Kh. I raise to $.50 and get two callers.

The flop is 4c, Qh, Kd. That’s a great flop for me. I bet the pot, $1.60 and get one caller.

The turn is the 9s. It doesn’t change anything. I bet $2.50 and he calls.

The river is the 5d. There’s no flush, no straight, no slothoki boat. I’ve got top pair with the best kicker, and a pair of A’s isn’t likely. Unless he’s got a set or two pair, I’m gold.

I push him all-in for his last $3.20 and he calls. I show my As-Kh, and he shows Qc-Th. What the hell? He spent about $8 on second pair?

I raised pre-flop, and bet the pot on each card. What did he think I had?!? Anyway, works for me.


No Limit Hold’em Sit and Go, 10 players down to just 7, 15-30 blinds

I’m on the button when I get Ah-Ts. I just call the big blind and three of us will see the flop.

It comes 7c, 7s, 7d. Hmmm. Wish I had a pair. Any pair. It’s checked to me and I bet 90 and the really big stack calls me.

The turn is the Tc. Hmmm. That’s a boat. He checks, I bet 270, he calls. Good.

The river is the 3s. Hmmm. Not likely to help him. If he’s got J’s or Q’s or K’s or A’s or a 7, he’s doing a great job slow-playing me.

He checks, I go all-in for 890 hoping on one hand he calls, and on the other he folds. He doesn’t call. Not only does he fold, but he shows me 2c-Td!!!

He had an almost 2-to-1 chip lead over me and he folded the best boat on the board?? Works for me.


No Limit Hold’em Sit and Go, 10 players down to just 6, 30-60 blinds

Otis is in late position when he sees Cowboys in his pocket. He raises to 120 and gets three callers.

The flop is Jc, 9c, Ts. Not the best flop for Otis. It’s a straight flop and a flush draw.

There’s two bettors in front of him, including one who goes all-in. Otis raises big to force the other caller out and it’s showdown time.

Otis shows his Kh-Kc and the other guy has 3h-Qh. He’s on a straight draw with only 6 outs (Otis has the other two K’s). At this point, Otis is a 78% favorite.

The turn is a meaningless 6c. Otis is now an 88% favorite.

You know where this is going. The river not only fills the straight, but it’s the Kd. The third K. Tough beat.


No Limit Hold’em Sit and Go, 10 players down to just 4, 50-100 blinds

I’m on the button, in last place in chips, when American Airlines lands in front of me. I raise to 450 and get one caller.

The flop is 8h, 7c, 8d. He checks, I go all-in and he calls.

It’s showdown time and my As-Ah is going up against his Ac-Js. Yes! I’m a whopping 98% favorite! I might as well start reaching for the chips.

The turn is the Th. No problem. He needed running J’s to beat me. Whoa… where’d that straight draw come from. Suddenly, I’m just a 91% favorite.

Again, you guessed it. The 9d on the river. The miracle running flush. I’m busted in 4th, just out of the money. Ouch.

The Pros Turn Out for bandar slot pulsa Europe Presented by Betfair



Late last year, the world’s finest players gathered together to compete for national pride and the WSOP bracelets. The third World Series of Poker Europe, presented by Betfair, was held at the Empire Casino in London’s famous Leicester Square. Almost all of the game’s elite were on hand to play for their shot at four official WSOP bracelets and huge cash prizes. Also up for grabs was the Caesars Cup, a brand new heads-up competition that pitted North America against Europe.

Betfair’s own Annette Obrestad came from nowhere to win the inaugural bandar slot pulsa in 2007. At the age of just 18, she set a record for the youngest ever bracelet winner that is unlikely to be broken. Since then, she has gone on to establish herself as one of poker’s top young talents. This was demonstrated recently by her success at the Aussie Millions, where she won a preliminary tournament and final tabled the main event. Given her prowess, it was no surprise to find her at the head of the Caesars Cup Team Europe. She picked a squad of top players from across the continent, opting mostly for pros who ply their trade online. Italian maestro Dario Minieri was joined by the Great Dane Gus Hansen and his fellow countryman, 2008 World Champion, Peter Eastgate. A pair of Finns, Patrik Antonius and Ilari “Ziigmund” Sahamies, were Annette’s final selections. Rounding out the team was John Harvey, a Scottish pipe inspector who won his place via a grueling set of Betfair qualifiers.

Team Americas’ lineup was in great contrast to Europe’s selection, with captain Daniel Negreanu opting for experience over youth. The most experienced of them all, Doyle Brunson, was a shoe-in for the team, as was heads up specialist Huck Seed and 2008 WSOPE Main Event Champion John Juanda. Big Game regulars Jennifer Harman and Barry Greenstein also made the cut, along the dominant Phil Ivey and the Poker Brat Phil Hellmuth.

The format was more than a simple heads up contest: In a best of 7 competition, play began with 4 doubles matches in which players alternated control of the action from hand to hand and sometimes round to round. As long as one team didn’t sweep all the doubles matches, the players would then move on to a maximum of 3 standard heads up games. Among the tantalizing matches on offer to viewers around the world are Phil Ivey & Huck Seed vs. Ziigmund & Patrik Antonius and Annette & Dario Minieri vs. Jennifer Harman & Doyle Brunson.

“I have fond memories of the WSOP after winning it in 2007,” said Annette Obrestad. “It is now a definite mainstay on the European poker calendar. The fields are small but extremely tough.” 2007 Main Event runner-up John Tabatabai is similarly fond of the WSOP’s regular European excursion.“The World Series of Poker Europe is my poker event of the year – small fields, tough opponents and the opportunity to win a bracelet – what more could you ask for? It’s a great excuse to socialise with my poker buddies and earn money playing poker at the same time.”

Away from the cameras, Betfair was hosting the very fist Free Million Dollar Game. This 18-man tourney was the culmination of a series of online heats that had been running since April 2009.

The bracelet tournaments were slightly altered, with a cut-price £1000 No Limit Hold ‘em event kicking off proceedings. 2008’s H.O.R.S.E event was the main casualty of the reshuffle, replaced by a £2500 split Pot Limit Hold ‘em/Pot Limit Omaha tournament. “Every year Harrah’s tweak the schedule to make improvements and this year saw the introduction of a few new and exciting events,” noted Obrestad. Returning unchanged are the £5000 Pot Limit Omaha tournament and the world renowned £10,000 WSOPE Main Event. The jewel in the crown of London poker attracted more top players than you could shake a stick at. In addition to the cadre of world class pros who competed in the Caesars Cup, Antonio Esfandiari, Chris “Jesus” Ferguson, James Akenhead, Barry Shulman, Jason Mercier and many more were all on hand to compete.

The series is currently being broadcast of TV stations around the world, with the new Caesars Cup a particularly attractive prospect for the legions of poker fans. Betfair’s Annette Obrestad reported that the event was “amazing,” adding, “I don’t want to spoil the program too much but it makes great viewing.” The Main Event also received widespread coverage and ended up with one of the most highly skilled and tense final tables in tournament history.



The PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker is down to its final day after the completion of Event 20.  This event was a fixed limit, 6-max Hold’em tournament, with starting stack sizes of 5,000 chips and 15 minute blinds.  Once again there were three separate tournaments with a low, medium, and high buy-in.

The SCOOP Event 20, low buy-in tournament saw 2,472 players pay the $50 + $5 entry fee for their shot at $25,000 guaranteed.  The guarantee was again easily covered for the low buy-in event as the final prize pool was almost five times the original guarantee, ending up at $123,600.  420 players would make the cash in this one, but of course, everyone was trying to make the final table and get a very nice return on a relatively small investment.  Here’s how it ended up:

6th – drood – $2,193.91

5th – boohoocry – $4,303.76

4th – P0KERDUUDE – $6,736.21

3rd – PokerTom681 – $10,382.41

2nd – msp20 – $14,214.01

1st – Perumov – $19,467.01

In the SCOOP Event 20 medium buy-in game there was a guaranteed $200,000 up for grabs.  This too was covered, as 540 entrants paid $500 + $30, bringing the total purse to $270,000.  The top 78 players would be paid, with the minimum payout being set at $783.  Notable players in the mid buy-in event included Barry Greenstein, Victor Ramdin, Gavin Griffin, and Vanessa Rousso.

The medium buy-in would be just the beginning of a very eventful night for one player in particular, as he would be the first person to pull off a very difficult accomplishment during this SCOOP multi-buy-in tournament structure.  The players battled for over 8 hours to get to the final table.  When they arrived, the chip stacks looked like this:

Seat 1: savagegamble (462,364 in chips)

Seat 2: MCJS (252,442 in chips)

Seat 3: Unassigned (449,672 in chips)

Seat 4: Victor510 (133,704 in chips)

Seat 5: Lest@t Lion (425,988 in chips)

Seat 6: jasjas11 (975,830 in chips)

The battle ensued from there as the second leading chip stack of the final table at the beginning of play, savagegamble, would be the first eliminated when he got top pair, with Jd4d, all-in, on a flop of TcJh3h vs. QhTs of jasjas11.  The turn showed a Kh and the river, the final nail in the coffin for savagegamble, was the As, giving jasjas11 the runner, runner straight.

Meanwhile, Unassigned would begin making his move, catching some friendly cards, and eventually find himself in the final 2 facing off against jasjas11.  The chip count at the beginning of heads-up play was Unassigned 먹튀검증 – 1,612,980 and jasjas11 – 1,087,020.  The two battled for a little over an hour, but it came down to jasjas11 calling until he was all-in on a board of 4c4s8dAc while holding Qc6c for a flush draw.  Unassigned, who had been the aggressor in this hand, and during much of the heads-up action, held Kh3c for King high.  However, the river was a blank 9d, eliminating jajas11 and crowning Unassigned the champion of the SCOOP Event 20 medium buy-in event.  It would only get better for him from here.

Final results

6th – savagegamble – $8,397.00

5th – MCJS – $13,500.00

4th – Victor510 – $18,900

3rd – Lest@t Lion – $27,675.00

2nd – jasjas11 – $37,800.00

1st – Unassigned – $51,300.00

The high buy-in SCOOP event 20 had only 99 players, but still eclipsed the $400,000 guarantee by $95,000.  Some high profile players who took part in the high roller event included Barry Greenstein, Daniel Negreanu, Shaun Deeb, and Vanessa Rousso.  However, this would be Terrence “Unassigned” Chan’s night.  After just completing the medium buy-in event and taking down top prize, Unassigned found himself also battling the final table at the high roller event.

He held the chip lead going into the final table, with only one other player within quick striking distance.

Seat 1: zangbezan24 (117,171 in chips)

Seat 2: nimzon (75,502 in chips)

Seat 3: madscout (49,218 in chips)

Seat 4: shaundeeb (68,600 in chips)

Seat 5: Unassigned (127,949 in chips)

Seat 6: Tulkaz (56,560 in chips)

Saundeeb, who started the final table 4th in chips, would be the player to turn up the aggression and make the most significant move.  He eventually found himself in the final two with Unassigned and well within range of having a great shot at the championship.  Final two chip count:  shaundeeb – 222,678, Unassigned – 272,322.  And shaundeeb took a great shot at the title, too – at one point having Terrence “Unassigned” Chan down to just 84,000 in chips.  It didn’t take long for Chan to turn up the heat, though, as he would battle back and eventually get the chip count back to nearly even, and not long after that, take a commanding lead.

The final hand showed just how hot Chan was running as he held KQo and saw a flop of QJT after the betting was capped pre-flop.  Chan check-raised the flop and again the betting was capped.  The turn brought an 8 and Deeb got his last 4,178 chips into the pot, flipping over a set of Tens versus Chan’s top pair and open-ender.  Much to Deeb’s dismay, the river brought the straight with an Ace, and Unassigned took down his second 1st place finish of the night!  His one night winnings totaled $186,187.50…not too shabby!

6th -Tulkaz – $25,987.50

5th – zangbezan24 – $34,650.00

4th – madscout – $47,025.00

3rd – nimzon – $69,300.00

2nd – shaundeeb – $90,337.50

1st – Unassigned – $134,887.50

Exciting Promotions for Titan w.w88 6th Anniversary



Titan Poker marks its 6th anniversary throughout the month of September and poker players of all types will be attracted by the wide range of promotions on hand.

Titan w.w88 first-ever Heads-Up Championship, a special anniversary freeroll, mystery surprises, 24-hour races with exciting prizes, and a chance to play poker with Team Titan’s Sam Trickett and Marvin Rettenmaier are all part of the September activities.

Players who enjoy freerolls, and who doesn’t enjoy freerolls, will be eager to guarantee their seat at Titan Poker’s $6,000 Anniversary Freeroll. The threshold for qualification is quite low and practically any player can join. To qualify, a player must earn more than 60 Titan Poker Points during the month, and most players can achieve this in just one session at the tables. The freeroll will take place on Thursday, October 6th, and places are limited, so the earlier a player guarantees his seat, the better.

Only one player will walk away with the title of Titan Poker’s first Heads-Up Champion, but many players will be rewarded along the way. More than $25,000 in prizes is up for grabs. 32 players will participate in the finals, and to secure their seats, players need to win one of the 32 races scheduled during the month. The championship will take place in an elimination bracket format, with $3,000 reserved for the overall winner.

Players will not know in advance what additional promotions, bonuses and benefits await them as part of Mystery Week. A new mystery giveaway will be revealed to players each week but rumor has it that the mysteries will be revealed on Titan Poker’s Facebook page one day earlier than anywhere else.

Team Titan’s two professional poker players will join cash tables and tournaments as part of Sam & Marvin’s Playground. A $200 bounty has been offered to any player skillful enough to eliminate one of them from the $200,000 Guaranteed. The full schedule of their September appearances in the software has been posted online.

If all of these anniversary promotions sound exciting, players would be wise to opt-in on the Titan Poker website as soon as possible and join the celebrations.

Christophe Benzimra Finishes 34th at WPT Paris

Team Titan’s French poker pro Christophe Benzimra finished in 34th place at the prestigious WPT Grand Prix de Paris, staged at the famous Aviation Club de France on the Champs-Elysées in Paris.

His prize was €11,110. Team Titan’s Marvin Rettenmaier was chipleader during an early stage of the tournament but did not finish in the money.

312 players paid the €7,500 buy-in to participate in the prestigious WPT Grand Prix de Paris Main Event. Marvin Rettenmaier and Yann Brosolo from Team Titan didn’t finish in the money even though Rettenmaier started  the tournament very well finishing Day 1B among the chipleaders. He was also leading the field for a good part of Day 2.

Marvin declared after his elimination: “I reached the point of the tournament where you need to win some flips to be able to play for the win. Unfortunately, I lost these crucial  flips so I am logically (but unfortunately) out. But next time will be mine 😉 ”

Other poker stars were in Paris to try to take down the title of WPT champion, among them Jason Mercier, Juha Helppi, Martin Jacobson, Freddy Deeb, Davidi Kitaï, Sorel Mizzi, Arnaud Mattern, Antoine Saout and Anton Makiievski (November Nine).

Christophe Benzimra, who won the EPT Warsow in 2009 showed a good result after 3 days of a high level fight. Unfortunately the French pro from Team Titan had to leave the tournament when his pocket Queens was beaten by Russian Dimitry Stelmak’s pocket Kings. Stelmak eventually finished 8th in the tournament and won  €66,665,

Togel Hari Ini Offers $1,000,000 in Prizes and a Live Event



$1,000,000 in guaranteed prizes and an exciting live poker tournament in Prague are coming your way. Titan Poker has just launched satellites leading to the $1,000,000 iPoker Online Poker Series tournaments and the Togel Hari Ini Live Main Event in Prague.

iPOPS is a lightning fast online poker tournament series taking place between November 28th and December 4th, 2011, with a total guaranteed prizepool of $1,000,000. Tournaments take place very two days with affordable buy-ins, culminating with a $500,000 guaranteed prize tournament.

iPOPS #1 on November 28th carries a $200,000 guaranteed prizepool and will be staged as a $100+$9 freezeout tournament, with 6-max tables.

iPOPS #2 will take place on November 30th and have a $150,000 guaranteed prizepool. The No Limit Hold’em Turbo tournament will have $50+$5 buy-ins with re-buys and an add-on available.

iPOPS #3 will be staged on December 2nd. This Pot Limit Omaha tournament will feature 6-max tables, have a $100+$9 buy-in with one re-buy available, and carry a $150,000 guaranteed prizepool.

The series will culminate on December 4th with the iPOPS #4 $500,000 GP tournament, a $125+$10 freezeout.

The last 27 players left in the action of iPOPS #4 will battle it out live at the Corinthia Hotel in Prague on December 10th.

In addition, iPOPS Live is the iPoker Network’s first live tournament and will be staged at the Corinthia Hotel Casino in Prague on December 10th-11th, 2011. This freezeout event carries a €700 + €70 buy-in and will be focused primarily on players from the iPoker Network.

Titan Poker’s IPOPS Live satellites lead to three weekly Super Satellites, each awarding winning players with €1,450 prize packages to the IPOPS Live Main Event in Prague.

Winning players will receive the €700 + €70 Main Event buy-in; €255 for 3 nights’ accommodation at the Corinthia Hotel in Prague, December 9th – 12th 2011; €25 for handling fees; and €400 for flights and spending. In addition, players will be invited to a special Welcome Party on December 9th.

Irish Winter Festival: Dorlan Schick Back in Business

Dorlan Schick chose the right time to be lucky. Actually, he was short stacked for a long time and it was time to quit or double up.

All the table folded until the small blind who decided to shove. Dorlan made the call with 8♣ 9♣ and held out over the 8♦ 6♥ of his opponent. Dorlan doubled to a little bit more than 18K.

A few hands later, a player in middle position raised and Dorlan moved all-in. All the table gave up except the initial raiser who snap-called with pocket Queens.

Dorlan Schick showed: K♠ J♠ and hit a king to win the pot and climbed to around 39K.

The 148 players left in the Irish Winter Festival Main Event tournament are on a break just before playing the last hour of Day1. The average chip stack  is up to 40K and the blinds will increase to 500/1,000, ante 100, as Level 10 begins.

After 3 days of wonderful poker, Team Titan’s French pro player Florian Desgouttes was eliminated from the EPT San Remo Main Event on a really hard last hand that he couldn’t avoid just before the end of Day 3.

Florian, with pocket 3s, hit the flop: 8♥ 3♣ 4♥ and invested his entire stack of 220K (with the average stack being 320K). His opponent had A♣ 8♣ and hit only a pair on the flop. Unfortunately for Florian, the turn fell K♣ and the river brought the 10♣ , completing his opponent’s flush.

Really cruel for our French player who nevertheless enjoyed a beautiful result, ending his Italian poker adventure with a prize of €10,000.

Weekend Tournament Wrap-Up


Online poker tournaments were a bit down this past weekend as most of the world celebrated the holidays.  Sites like Bwin and togel hongkong both dropped the guarantees on their biggest majors, down to $100k from $200k.  While this allowed them to reach their guarantees, it did create smaller prize pools and lower payouts. PokerStars, meanwhile, continued their dominance of online poker tournament by being the only site with $300,000+ prize pools on Sunday.  A handful of their majors, including the Million, Warm-Up, and Sunday500 all breezed past their guarantees on their way to solid numbers.


With New Year’s falling on next Sunday, it might just be another small day for online poker. However, players will be out in full force on Stars trying to qualify for the 2011 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure which begins in just 9 days.  To check out their satellites just head over to the tournament section in the PS lobby.


Party Poker Sunday $200k Guaranteed

838 Entrants; $200,000 prize pool


  1. Andrei6868 $34,242
  2. kentavrrrr $28,045
  3. Cocomangos $25,711
  4. philipo111 $12,000
  5. IndiaILoveU $10,000
  6. Boing_Alert $8,000
  7. nandovarela $6,000
  8. AriGold $4,000
  9. druen666 $3,000
  10. DrGoodhouse $2,200


iPoker Sunday $100k Guaranteed

725 Entrants; $145,000 prize pool


  1. OMGDannyRudd $30,450
  2. mikthepro $15,950
  3. saab3000 $11,600
  4. Baekke1 $8,700
  5. ShipFish $7,250
  6. daddymufff $5,800
  7. m0l0t $4,350
  8. SIav $2,900
  9. keryippp $2,030
  10. PLSdontCRY $1,450


Bwin Sunday $100k Championship

872 Entrants; $165,680 prize pool


  1. BBSpecial27 $29,437
  2. Rand0mD0nk $20,451
  3. daniel_ped $14,641
  4. larasarao $10,845
  5. indrich $8,017
  6. b_zuzolo $5,949
  7. byebyepay $4,802
  8. Karsta88 $3,749
  9. jaakkima $2,920
  10. thai-boxing $2,293


PokerStars Sunday Warm-Up $500k Guaranteed

2,700 Entrants; $540,000 prize pool


  1. crossthervr $85,050
  2. elik567 $63,450
  3. tomitomsen22 $45,360
  4. s-botnang $31,050
  5. Jeanbob123 $23,490
  6. mrAndreeew $18,090
  7. modulindo $12,690
  8. liiteri $7,300
  9. Who’s da Pro $4,590


PokerStars Sunday Million Guaranteed

6,982 Entrants; $1,396,400 prize pool

*2-way chop


  1. ||Burkeeee! $196,513
  2. JackobFish $167,071
  3. LFmagic $111,712
  4. Vadym1 $74,009
  5. VitStarS MaN $57,252
  6. thelegend67 $43,288
  7. BouleEtBill $30,022
  8. chur157 $16,756
  9. AVAN77 $10,822


PokerStars Sunday500 $250k Guaranteed

637 Entrants; $318,500 prize pool


  1. Bananazoo $52,034
  2. arxigos $48,133
  3. ThanosGR23 $31,531
  4. joserivas397 $23,728
  5. icebeerkim $16,562
  6. Chaz D 87 $13,377
  7. KKremate $10,192
  8. GoToCa$hier $7,007
  9. Jysky11 $4,140


Resignations, Overhauls at Full Tilt 꽁머니 환전



The Full Tilt Online 꽁머니  Series continued yesterday with another met guarantee in a game with dwindling popularity, especially online, Stud Hi. 581 people bought in to Event #5, a $200+16 tournament to make a prize pool of $116,200 with almost 27k going to first place. The final table was mostly void of recognizable names except for FellKnight who has been a winning online tourney player for quite a long time now. FellKnight made a good run at the top prize but eventually ended up giving way with a very respectable 2nd place finish. Congrats to all 64 players who cashed especially the final 8.

The 9th Full Tilt Online Pokers Series continued yesterday with Event #2, PL Omaha H/L Bounty. Full Tilt always seems to come up with new tournaments for their series’ to keep people interested and this event is no exception. The $240+16 buy-in PL Omaha H/L event with 40 dollar bounties brought in 1,138 players for a total prize pool of 227k.

As usual, many big names were left at or around the final 9 and the biggest name fell victim to his own aggression, MattG1983, when he exited in 11th. The final 9 was still a tough bunch of players, however, and included such tourney poker mainstays StuMan123 and Teledonk (aka Telefonkiosk) and canibetnow. A great story ended up emerging as Teledonk came into the final table as the short stack with only 120k as opposed to the chip leader DNcrew who had 675k, but Teledonk did not give up, picked his spots well and ended up taking down the whole tourney for $51,210.

Overall, Event #2 was a very entertaining tournament and FTOPS IX continues to roll along and attract big numbers in terms of entrants and prizes.Resignations, Overhauls at Full Tilt Poker

Full Tilt Poker’s Chief Marketing Officer, Lothar Rentschler, has announced his intentions to leave the company. While his departure will not be an immediate matter, his resignation will go into effect by September 13 of this year. Rentschler has served as Full Tilt’s CMO since February of 2009, and had previously worked with such large companies as Bacardi and MEC.

Here are some snippets of what he had to say on the matter, according to an email seen by QuadJacks:

“Given the current circumstances, I do believe it is a long overdue step towards the right direction… I do apologize for the inconvenience the current circumstances at [Full Tilt Poker] have caused for you personally as well as for your respective companies. Our hands in marketing were bound and at the end even every communication was stopped.”

But, as their former online patrons could attest, Full Tilt’s problems go far beyond their marketing structure. The company is currently facing a class action lawsuit, a licensing hearing, and a possible purchase from outside investors. Th latest news in this department comes on the acquisition front.

Here’s the long and short of it, as reported by Electronic Gaming Review: In order for any company to be willing to lay down the necessary cash to buy Full Tilt, they will almost certainly demand a change in management. The former online poker giant is currently negotiating with several parties, hoping to beat their September 15 hearing date with the Alderney Gaming Council.

“Everyone has their eye on that date,” says Jeff Ifrah, a member of Full Tilt’s legal team. “Nobody wants to come to September 15th and not have a deal which is either finalized or close to finalization to the point that it can be shared with Alderney and result in the extension of that date.”

Unfortunately, the only game former Full Tilt users have been playing lately is a waiting one. There is still no word on the millions of dollars owed to players.

“I assume there’s going to be a transition period,” Ifrah continued, “and we hope that it’s not going to take that long to turn the lights back on and begin facilitating player withdrawals and obviously continue playing.”

PPT Day One – Fun and Fireworks – Part one

PPT Day One – Fun and Fireworks – Part oneWhat a day of poker this would be as almost everyone of the 239 qualified players were here for this.

My table was a cracker, with players such as Tom McEvoy, Kenna James, Jennifer Harman, Mike Mattouso, Toto Leonedas, Lucy Rokach and WSOP Champion 2002 Robert Varkonyi – it would only be a matter of time before the fireworks began.

It may have took us an hour to warm up. Bocoran Slot Gacor But once we started, there was no stopping us. The two ladies on the table began to accumulate chips as they proved more aggressive than the men. In fact, the two of them clashed a few times before this hand developed.

Lucy had called Jennifer’s raise with Jh-8h – without noticing that a Jack had been exposed on the way to the muck. Holding A-K, Jennifer called a 2,000 bet from Lucy on a flop of A-J-8. When the turn was another Jack – Lucy check-raised by moving all-in to a bet of 5,000 from Jennifer. Although Jennifer still had over 6,500 left, she found it too tough to get away from the hand.

Toto was next to go after surviving one all-in when he made a major move with 2-4os. On that occasion Mike Mattouso made a great call with K-T. But it’s it one thing calling with the best hand – it’s another to win it. Toto eventually busted when he took A-J against the A-K from Kenna. The table started playing like it was a $50 speed tourney.

By this stage, I had quietly built up my starting stack of 10,000 to over 18,000 and in comfort land. Without having a chip in serious danger so far – I was about to find myself going all-in in two successive hands.

The first came as I called a raise of 600 from Lucy with Q-Q (this was the fourth time I have slow played Q-Q by just calling a raise – each time it brought a good result) – my call brought with it a succession of callers. With about 4,000 now in the pot – Varkonyi on the BB decided to try a steal by moving all-in for another 5,600. As I had hoped for just this exact development – I quickly after the intial raiser had mucked. Robert flopped an Ace and al my good work was wasted. On the very next hand – I limped in with Q-T. Flop was Q-T-4, two spades. Robert led out with 1,000 and Lucy raised to 4,500. I moved all-in and Lucy called with her baby flush draw. I’m glad Lucy missed because I would have missed out on a lot of fun to come.

Enter Harry Thomas (another WSOP bracelet holder). Before he had time to settle down – Harry would be walking away scratching his head at what he just did.

With blinds still at 100-200, Harry raises to 600. On the BB with Q-Q, I decide that even though I have the best hand – I will try the “funny” play again. I therefore just called and 600 and bet 200 before the flop was dealt. I actually liked the flop of J-T-8. Harry, slightly bemused – calls. I then bet 800 before the turn was dealt. The magic 9 hit to give me a straight. Harry, who held 9-9, announced all-in for a further 12,000. I obviously called and won the hand. Harry, who is a very solid player – had somehow lost it here. Having not faced such play before – he was confused as to what to do. Obviously, in hindsight – all he could really do here was to call the 800 and probably muck to any sizable river bet. The whole table, and not for the first time – had a good giggle. At least whatever happened from now on – no one could complain at all fun we were having.

But wait! Just when you think it’s safe to laugh – we have a seasoned pro acting like a spoilt five year-old who thinks that he should win every hand and every event (no- not Phil Hellmuth). It’s very rare that I write about anything negative from the poker table, because in truth – the good far outweigh the bad. However, in the case of this pro – I may well just make an exception.





Qualify for the WPT Borgata Now at Party togel Singapore Poker

Atlantic City is the place to be for world class East Coast poker action, and now at Party Poker you can qualify for a chance to play in the WPT 2011. Main event prize packages are valued at over $7,000. This is your chance to experience Atlantic City in style.

Win your seat from now until September 4th at The Main Event runs from 18th to 23rd to September. The $7,000 Main Event Package includes a $3,500 WPT Borgata Poker Open buy-in, $2,000 spending money, and seven nights luxury hotel accommodation in Atlantic City.

You have many ways to earn a spot into the WPT Borgata Poker Open. Right now daily freerolls are running at, as well as $5 qualifiers, $1 rebuys and weekly satellites. Expect poker celebrities and the dazzling scenery and atmosphere of the Borgata casino in Atlantic City.

There will also be a Sunday $35 turbo where one of ten players gain a WPT togel Singapore Satellite seat. Then in the Sunday $350 Borgata Satellite, one in ten players will receive a WPT Borgata Open Main Event seat. Just to get an idea how much this event is, last year’s WPT Borgata Open featured 1,044 players, with the first place winner Dwyte Pilgrim winning $750,000 for first place!

This month, Party Poker is also running an Oktoberfest race. Race one will run August 12th-21st. Race 2 will run August 22nd-31st. Sixteen winners will get special VIP Oktoberfest packages to one of the biggest parties on earth. With two separate races, you have double the chances to win, as well as 100 apple gadgets thrown in as part of the give away, including 25 Apple iPad2s and 75 Apple iPod Touchs.

And there’s much more for you at, including the $200K Guaranteed Sunday. Plus there is are weekly tournament leaderboards, and the chance to meet Team PartyPoker, including Tony G., Mike Sexton, and Kara Scott!

Phil Ivey Nets $476k Weekend

Continuing his early rebound, Phil Ivey posted a profit of $476,000 this past weekend against some of the top talent in the online world.

The main portion of the action came over a $3,000/$6,000 Limit Hold’em table at Full Tilt, against the pro formerly known as IHateJuice, who now goes as “kagome kagome.” After only 311 hands, Ivey snagged nearly a half a million dollars.

After logging $600,000 in losses during the early going of this year, Ivey is now showing profits in the neighborhood of $300k. He has never logged a losing year at the online tables, making him, in the minds of a great number of analysts, the best internet poker player in the game’s relatively young history. His total recorded profits are now in excess of $18 million.

Other big winners this past weekend included Dan “jungleman12″ Cates ($181,000) and Viktor “Isildur1″ Blom ($95,000). Major losers were fishosaurusREX (-$323,000), Urindanger (-$170,000), Sauce1234 (-$117,000), and the aforementioned kagome kagome (-$455,000).


How Shuffling Machines Affect Your Bankroll

Blackjack, when boiled down to its most basic elements, is a very simple game. Get a higher hand total than the dealer without going over 21. However, there are a lot of variations in the game that changes the odds and can have an effect on your bankroll.

The most obvious odd-changing togel hongkong variations involve whether the dealer hits a soft 17, whether you can resplit, whether there is late surrender, and other decisions. The number of decks also impacts your odds, as the house edge increases as the number of decks increases (it also makes it more difficult to count cards).

One thing that people normally don’t think of, though, is how the cards are shuffled. Believe it or not, how the cards are shuffled has an effect on your bankroll. Though the house edge does not change, different shuffling methods can cause you to lose more money simply by allowing you to play more hands.

Casinos want the game of blackjack to be played as fast as possible. Since there is a house edge to the game, the more hands that are played, the more money the casino makes. Therefore, they want to play as many hands as possible. Hand-shuffling, for that reason, is not a preferred method for casinos, but if you can find a table where the dealer shuffles by hand that offers you chance to keep the most money.

There are also different kinds of shuffling machines. For years, casinos have been using automatic shufflers. The traditional automatic shufflers randomized a deck or several decks and then the cards were discarded into a pile after being played. This is much faster than shuffling by hand and, due to the house edge, costs the players more money. Recently, however, many casinos have turned to the newer continuous shuffling machine (CSM). These work even faster and instead of creating a discard pile, the discarded cards are immediately returned to the deck.

This does two things: It makes it so that the dealer doesn’t have to stop to shuffle cards and it makes counting cards virtually impossible. Therefore, a blackjack table that uses a continuous shuffling machine will cost you more money in the long run.

Or does it?

As the renowned gambling mathematician Michael Shackleford explains, a continuous shuffling machine actually lowers the house edge. In simulated tests, Shackleford showed that a CSM reduces the house edge by 0.014-0.113%, depending on the number of decks in use. In blackjack, high cards favor the player and low cards favor the dealer. Tens especially help the player. With a CSM, since there are already more 10-value cards than any other value, the tens are more likely to be reshuffled into the deck than any other value card. Therefore, in the long run, continuous shuffling machines result in more high cards being in play.

So CSM’s are good for the players then, right? Well, no. Using a CSM may reduce the house edge by 0.014-0.113%, but it also increases the amount of hands played in an hour by 20%. That means a lot more hands that are exposed to the house edge. For that reason, despite the lowering of the house edge, CSM’s are still not beneficial to the player.

CSM’s are only used in brick and mortar casinos, but when playing online blackjack, since the dealing of the cards is controlled by a random number generator, it is in effect like having the deck shuffled after every card is dealt. That makes card counting impossible, but it does give you the possibility of receiving more tens.


Blackjack Strategy: Don’t mimic the dealer

I think most blackjack players know that basic strategy gives you the best odds over the long run. There is no shortage of bad strategies out there, though. One of the most common mistakes that new players make is mimicking the dealer.

I understand why people would do that. They probably know that the dealer has a statistical advantage in blackjack – called the house edge. If not, they at least know that the dealer plays a lot more blackjack hands than they do, so if he knows what to do they should follow him! The problem is that they are wrong.

Dealers will always hit on a 16 or less and always stand on a 17 or more, unless they are at a table where the dealer hits a soft 17. The dealer also never splits or doubles down. If the player mimics that strategy, that results in a house edge of 5.48%. By comparison, basic strategy results in a house edge of 0.5%.

So why is mimicking the dealer bad strategy? It is not the hit or stand rules that the dealer follows that gives him an edge. It is other rules, such as the fact that the players play out their hand before the dealer draws a third card, giving you an opportunity to bust first.

If you mimic the dealer, you are giving up two of the biggest 꽁머니사이트 weapons in your arsenal: splitting and doubling down. Splitting pairs appropriately gives you the change to win two hands instead of one when you have good hands. Likewise, doubling appropriately gives you a chance to win double the money on a good hand. Giving up those pieces of basic strategy gives up the chance to make up for your losing hands. So stop trying to mimic the dealer when playing blackjack and be yourself, as long as “yourself” is someone who follows basic strategy!

Jury: Harrah’s casino liable for brawl

In a surprise ruling, a jury found that a Harrah’s casino is liable for injuries sustained when a biker brawl broke out on their premises.

The casino in question is Harrah’s Laughlin, a casino in southern Nevada on the Colorado River that has slots, blackjack and other standard casino games. The incident in question happened more than six years ago.

On April 28, 2002, the casino was the unfortunate host of a deadly brawl between two rival biker gangs. Early in the morning, bikers from the Hell’s Angels and the Mongols entered the casino and quickly began fighting. The gang members were armed with guns and knives and though security attempted to bring the situation under control, three people were killed and many more injured in the incident, including some innocent casino customers.

I feel for any casino customers who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I wonder if the casino could have done anything to prevent this. Certainly an armed conflict between two dangerous biker gangs is not the type of thing a casino security team can be expected to be prepared for, right?

Though in five previous federal court cases, the jury agreed with me, this time the jurors sided with the injured parties. Plaintiffs in the case included Andrea and Dean Daniels, who were innocently playing blackjack when injured in the fracas, and Michael Bower, whose back was injured when he dove to the floor.

Harrah’s Laughlan is expected to appeal the decision to a higher court. I hate to point it out like this, but you usually don’t have to worry about biker brawls when playing online blackjack at home. I’m just saying…





Ladbrokes Poker Brings Poker to the People!


There are tons of exciting things happening at Ladbrokes Poker. The British gambling giant is becoming a big competitor in the online poker industry. They’ve recently announced exciting new features, sponsorships, and tournaments for all their clientele to take part in.

Ladbrokes Poker is the first site to bring Microgaming’s latest innovation: Ladbrokes Instant Poker. Ladbrokes Instant Poker makes it faster and easier than ever to start a game of poker. The need to download a poker client has been eliminated. With a click of the mouse, players can be transported from the Ladbrokes website to a poker table. The best part of the introduction of Ladbrokes Instant Poker is its accessibility from the Ladbrokes Sportsbook. Soon, the poker tables at Ladbrokes Poker will be full of sport betting fish! This will definitely change the way players approach online poker.

Ladbrokes Poker and Shane Lynch have closed a sponsorship deal with Boyzone star and drifting legend Shane Lynch. This follows suit with Ladbrokes Poker’s “Poker to the People” campaign looking to bring the game to all. This partnership is the perfect partnership to reflect that idea. Drifting is car racing for the everyman. The sport is played for the passion and love of the game, similarly to poker.

Shane Lynch plans to visit Killarney, Ireland for the Irish Poker Festival. Last year, 752 players battled for a €100,000 prize. bitcoin roulette This year, the tournament should be even bigger. The Main Event is a €550 buy-in with a huge €250,000 guaranteed prize pool. Players can qualify into the tournament by playing one of Ladbrokes Poker’s many tournament qualifiers. The event package includes the €550 buy-in as well as three nights at the Gleneagle Hotel. Players who qualify through Ladbrokes gain entry in the Ladbrokes facilities where players can relax with a game of pool or darts between all the poker action.

Ladbrokes Poker is doing an excellent job of bringing “Poker to the People.” With the Ladbrokes Instant Poker, the signing of Shane Lynch, and the Irish Poker Festival, there is something for everybody to get excited about.

Picking the Right game of Blackjack

Experienced blackjack players know that casino blackjack rules vary enormously from place to place, and that subtle differences can have a significant impact on your earnings or loss rate. Common factors that alter your advantage include double after splits, hit or stand on soft 17, and blackjack payout. For card counters, additional factors such as bet spread, number of decks, number of players, and shoe penetration can also have a large impact on your earnings. In places such as Vegas where gambling establishments abound, the variety of blackjack game permutations is staggering. How do you choose the game that will give you the best advantage and earnings?

Basic Strategy players and different rules

The process of picking the best game for basic strategy players is fairly simple. Each rule variation has a specific advantage or disadvantage that affects your base expectation (the average amount of each bet you should expect to lose). Start with the standard “Vegas Strip” rules at an expectation of -0.02%: one deck, no double after splits, dealer stands on soft seventeen. Use the following table to determine your final expectation for a specific set of rules:

For example, a classic eight deck DAS, S17 game would have the following expectation for basic strategy players: -0.02 – 0.61 + 0.13 = -0.5%. This means that for each $10 you bet, you should expect to lose 5 cents on average. Note that this assumes the player is using perfect basic strategy that matches the specified rules! We discussed basic strategy in depth in a prior article for the Blackjack Insider (see

Card counters and different rules

For blackjack players who use a card counting system, using the above table as a guide is not the best way to maximize your earnings rate. A common mistake is to simply apply the above table of modifiers, and choose the best game accordingly.

As an example, suppose you have a choice between two different casino games:

Game #1: 8 deck, DAS, S17, 75% penetration.

Game #2: 6 deck, DAS, H17, 75% penetration.

Which is the better game to play? In the previous article in our blackjack series, we already analyzed in detail the negative consequences of playing with an insufficient bankroll, so let’s assume you will play with an appropriate bet spread and bankroll in both cases. The question is whether the decreased number of decks provides enough benefit to overcome the loss due to H17.

In the analysis above, we used Blackjack Audit, a สล็อตออนไลน์ blackjack simulator from DeepNet Technologies to collect all data. We ran 100 million rounds for each simulation using Stanford Wong’s popular High-Low count system (“Professional Blackjack”, Pi Yee Press). A standard multi deck/DAS basic strategy table was used for the simulations, as listed in our prior article: . The ‘Fab18’ indices are is an effective subset of 18 play indices that deliver 75% of the total gain in expectation, as first published by Don Schlesinger. Here are the detailed simulation settings we used:

1 to 10 bet spread, defined for these true count values: TC 1: 3 units, TC 2: 5 units, TC 3: 10 units.

Fab 18 indices: 9 vs 2 TC>=1:D, 9 vs 7 TC>=3:D, 10 vs 10 TC>=4:D, 10 vs A TC>=4:D, 11 vs A TC>=1:D, 12 vs 2 TC>=3:S, 12 vs. 3 TC>=2:S, 12 vs 4 TC<0:H, 12 vs 5: TC<-1:H, 12 vs 6 TC<-0:H, 13 vs 2 TC<0:H, 13 vs. 3 TC<-1:H, 15 vs 10 TC>=4:S, 16 vs 9 TC>=5:S, 16 vs 10 TC>=0:S, 1010 vs 5 TC>=5:P, 1010 vs 6 TC>=4:P, insure at TC >=3.

75% shoe penetration.

no surrender, no double restrictions, up to three splits, no hitting split aces, can resplit aces.

$5 unit bet size.

Calculate true conservatively (number of decks rounded up).

100 million rounds per game simulation.

In the last row of table 2, we changed the Blackjack Audit simulation to spread to two hands at a true count of 3, and to three hands at a true count of 4 or greater. Although this increases the risk of ruin since more money is being wagered, it allows us to capitalize on the advantage at positive true counts delivered by the fewer number of decks.

If you are playing with indices (even just the Fab18 indices), the games have almost identical expectations. The only case where you should avoid the six deck game is if you are playing with basic strategy and only using the count to adjust your bets. In all other cases, the six deck game is a bit better. If you play additional hands on high counts, then the six deck game has a significant 15% improvement over the eight deck game.

Had we used the modifiers from table 1, we would have incorrectly picked the eight-deck game as the best option by a clear margin:

Game #1: 8 deck, DAS, S17. Expectation = -0.02 -0.61 +0.13 = -0.50%

Game #2: 6 deck, DAS, H17. Expectation = -0.02 -0.58 -0.20 +0.13 = -0.63%

The only way to reliably determine your advantage when card counting is to use a good blackjack simulation program to test the exact variables you are using. Make sure your choice of simulator program lets you easily and accurately specify not only the game conditions (such as DAS, H17, etc.), but also every subtle aspect of the your count system. For example, make sure you can model betting techniques you may employ such as hand spreading or ‘wonging’ (sitting out hands where the count is below a certain value). It is surprisingly easy to enter incorrect count system, betting, or index data into simulation programs, so make sure you can easily verify the settings! If the simulation does not exactly model the way you play, the results may be misleading.


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